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Defragment NEEDED ?

Defragment Windows 8 ? or Using another software ? 

As We all know we use Windows someday later we experience low performance and we gotta Defrag hard drives , So people choose tuneup utilities , Advance System care , 360 tune up , speedupPC
all those stuff to tune your computer .
Have anyone thought of Why Microsoft made you the Disk Clean up , Defragment ? error cleaner ? and give updates on it ? No right ?
So think of it now ..
Microsoft made Windows and they know how to make it perform .
I'm not telling you guys not to use those soft wears but I suggest keep the way it is ! .

For Example If you install tune up for  Tune your PC .
you can do what you want on that softwear but look at your start up delay if your pc is an average performance pc I'm not talking about higher performance Rigs or workstations . 

As you can see that your PC will run a stand up service named "Tuneup utilities service " Not so higher priority but yet waste of ram usage . other thing is other softwear Defragments takes a damn long time to finish , if you have a larger hardrive it's gonna be tired for you sit and watch defrag for hours . Uses High amount of RAM and CPU .  

on my idea if you use this ? You just will be able to complete it soon faster , without knowing it's defragment is going on your PC 

Thanks for reading
By Adhil Naufer .

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