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How To Use Proxifier In Windows 8 (Metro UI)

When you use proxifier in windows 8 it's normal in desktop mode and proxifier can work correctly, but when you open one of application in Metro UI, it will be show like this.

You PC Isn't connected to the internet, even when you're connection is connected.
It happens because windows 8 can't detect the connection from Proxifier.

So, here is the solution.
First download Fiddler here. Then install it.

How to use?
You must open the proxifier first, if  you don't have it you can download here.
Then open Fiddler, Win8 Config, click Exempt All, then Save Change.

Screenshot (9).png

Now try to open an application on Metro UI. Here I try Store.
Screenshot (10).png

Connected, you can connect to Metro UI applications now.

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