Windows 8.1 Enterprise is the most complete and stable than Pro version, that's why the size of this version is bigger than Pro version.
Today I'll show you How To Activate Windows 8.1 Enterprise Permanently without any crack or patch, so this method is safe.
Just follow this method carefully.
1. First, install your 8.1 Enterprise.
2. You will need Skype, you can go to Skype Final Offline Installer, or download it from the real site.
3. You will need a valid Mak Key to active you're windows, download it bellow:
Windows 8.1 Enterprise Mak Key - Download password:
4. Open Command Promt (run as administrator) then enter your Mak Key with this command:
slmgr.vbs /ipk (mak Key)
5. Then type this command:
slui 4
6. You will find this option to Select Your Country Or Region, choose United Kingdom, then next
7. You will get your Installation ID
8. Use Skype to get your Confirmation ID by phone
9. Call +448000188354
If you're asked "Product key for home or business?” pick "home" (Press 1) then enter hostage (#), then enter your Installation ID.
Next question "How many computer you want to use it?" pick "One" (Press 1) then press 1 again to get your Confirmation ID, and write them if needed.
NB: Hear it carefully because who spell your Confirmation ID is an answering machine.
10. Enter your Confirmation ID, then click Activate Windows
11. Congrats, now your Windows 8.1 Enterprise is permanently activated.
More Help:
1. How to check License Status, still on Command Promt, type this command:
slmgr /dlv
2. How to check if your windows is permanently activated or not:
slmgr /xpr
Tags: How To Activate Windows 8.1 Enterprise Permanently, How To Activate Windows 8.1 Enterprise by Phone, Windows 8.1 Enterprise Activator
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