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Gmail Now Claimed More Secure From Tapping

Gmail Now Claimed More Secure From Tapping

Google announced on its Gmail service increased security to prevent eavesdropping on a user's email account .
The Internet giant said , Gmail is currently always uses encryption HTTPS connection when users check or send email . We also encrypt all messages that move internally on Google's servers .
Launch of The Next Web , Friday, March 21, 2014 , the following step some leaked documents former U.S. contractor Security Agency ( NSA ) , Edward Snowden , about wiretapping efforts against Internet user account .
Actually , the encryption has been around since Gmail launched , even Google could enable security by default in January 2010 .
Through security , I promise from now on, users do not worry about the wiretapping , because there will be no one else can hear or see the message the user .
Thus , Gmail will use the most secure connection when users are connected to any network , in any location and on any device .
Google Gmail messages doubly ensure users . Encryption penggguna Google email account is not only focused on the user and the server Gmail , but Google also ensure the data on Google's data center .
Google argued , in the absence of the leaked documents , the company claimed to have square off to keep the data in Gmail and Google . Preparation of encryption that has been prepared by Google a few years earlier .
Although Google 's security measures after a hectic new classified secret documents leaked NSA , Google's Gmail service ensuring accessible by users do not worry tapped .
In 2013 , Google said it is still a very reliable email service , proof that year , reaching 99.97 percent Gmail quality . This means that throughout the year , Gmail only impaired no more than two hours .
Previously Google has denied the NSA program facilitates supervision. Google also denied the NSA has had access to their servers . NSA allegedly taking a variety of ways to collect data from a variety of technology companies of the world.

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