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How Much Microsoft Claims To The FBI?

How Much Microsoft Claims To The FBI?

So far, Microsoft turned out charge for any data to be investigated by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation , FBI . This is revealed in a document uncovered by hacker group Syrian Electronic Army ( SEA ) .

SEA is a group of hackers who often attacked the website and social networking accounts western companies . The Daily Dot , SEA successfully submitted a number of documents hacked from a Microsoft email account to be checked .

One of the documents turned out to be an invoice or invoices and emails between divisions Microsoft Global Criminal Compliance with FBI unit called Digital Intercept Technology Unit ( were commissioned to analyze ) .

PDF format documents with the invoice sent by Microsoft to the FBI by email on December 2013 then . In the Microsoft wrote the invoice cost of U.S. $ 145 100 which is broken down into 100 dollars for any information requested FBI .

In August 2013 Microsoft also sent the same email , this time Microsoft is bill number 352 200 U.S. dollars , with an average cost of 200 U.S. dollars per data requested FBI .

Microsoft's final invoice is sent in November 2013 , the number of bills amounting to 281 thousand U.S. dollars .

How Much Microsoft Claims To The FBI?

Told The Verge ( 03/20/2014 ) , Microsoft says that it is already common practice by large companies , while the government asked a number of available data .
Microsoft spokesperson wrote in an email that according to the laws in force in the U.S. , the company may ask for a fee for the information requested data to them . " For the sake of law enforcement , then there is nothing remarkable about this , " said a Microsoft spokesperson said .
Microsoft has also said that the fee charged is only a fraction of the actual costs incurred related to Microsoft 's request . That is , they claim to not take advantage of the billing .
And indeed , according to legal observers in the United States , the practice is considered natural. What is even more interesting is the observer , the document shows how often the government conduct surveillance and asking the user data .
Were commissioned to analyze themselves known to request data from Microsoft hundreds of times each month . The U.S. government was able to request data only through an email .

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